Monday, December 31, 2012

I see myself in my her amazing cooking skills

One of my favorite things to do for the kids when we make pancakes is make little ones that are about the size of a quarter and put them in a storage container for them to have on other mornings as a fun breakfast to dip in a little ramekin of syrup.  Well, this morning when I hand them to Lillie she responds in her sweetest voice "Silly mom, I thought I told you to warm them up."  Yes, she's feisty and it absolutely cracks me up. Anyway, she goes into the kitchen, puts them in the microwave and a couple minutes later brings them to me in the plastic dish they were in that was melted almost completely through on the bottom. And seared brown pancakes inside.  Yep, did I mention when I was younger I had a knack for burning things, I have turned bacon into ashes and peas into little bombs of squishy icky-ness, in a hard shell.
This is while they were sitting by our front door because they were smoking so bad we had to take them out of the house.
And this is the view at the bottom where the container burned through.
Love that little girl, and hopefully like me, she will also perfect her skills later on in life and hopefully not starve or resort to eating out all the time.  But then again, as long as she's happy and healthy who am I to say no to someone else preparing a meal or two for you ;)

<3 Timmie

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