Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Yay for a chance of snow! And making alphabet books!!!!!

Can I just say how stinkin excited I am for the weather changing.  YES!!!! It's supposed to snow the next few days and I couldn't be more ecstatic.  Call me crazy but an overcast day every now and then is refreshing to me, it's an excuse to wear a hoodie all day and if you're at home it's perfect to cuddle in with the kiddos, and hubby if he's home, and watch movies or veg out doing a whole-lotta-nothing together ;)  And as much as I truly love summer and the warm weather, it seems as though this summer has gone on FOR-E-VER! (Imagine Squints from Sandlot saying it and it's a whole lot funnier ;)  But seriously, who doesn't love that in Colorado we get a taste of every season?!?!?

That's the conclusion of last night.... Landon doing Danimal's smoothie art on the floor and Tanna helping lick it up, Lillie and Landon practicing jumping jacks while "Mickey Mouskersize-ing" The third picture is what we found when Rick and I went upstairs to go to bed last night, we came upon a little man asleep at the top of the stairs, instead of in his bed.  And of course what better way to wrap up a day than to see your hubby swoop up your son in his arms and lay him gently in bed?!?!  So after this surprise, you can imagine the quality of sleep we got after not one, but two munchkins crawled in bed with us.  One, laid on the outside next to me and the other came right over the top and slept for a while until he decided lounging right over Dad's feet was much more comfortable.  Lol, yep what can I say for some reason I was thinking it'd be easier to fall back asleep (ps. what in the world would give me that idea?!?!?) than go put them back in bed.  But waking up to happy kiddos like this:
made the night of mediocre sleep totally and completely worth it! biggest accomplishment of the day?  I'm almost completely finished with the kid's alphabet books!  Kylie's mom, Amanda, will cut everything and put all the letters in ziploc bags for me to assemble and glue with the kids.  It's such a great system because I don't have to try and use the machine with an extra 30 super curious little fingers eager to help.  It's always an adventure, the last time I sat down to do this with Kylie I ended up getting a glue stick to the eye when she was sitting on my lap and got a tad bit excited ;)  

Here are a few pictures of the letters cut and in the baggies ready to be glued together and put on the pages of each child's book!

Z is for Zebra, and according to this book, they are white with black stripes ;)

Kylie helping glue on the letter Z

Gluing on the zebra's head...and Landon man being silly!

Adding the tail!

Landon man gluing on his letter Z

And press it on well so it stays!

Putting the head on....

And ready to slide into the book!

Here are Lillie, Landon & Kylie's Zebras, each one is unique but that's what's fun about these books!

Lillie Lu gluing her mouse together.

Drawing on some whiskers for the little guy!

Lillie's "M is for Mouse" page

Putting the "O is for Owl" page together

Lillie's owl...I think it's pretty dang cute!

This is her snake she put together all by herself....the black decoration is a sun, well it was until I asked her if it was a bug and she then changed her mind and told me later that it actually is in fact, a bug.  Silly girl!

This is kinda how they start out, well the face is a dark green cut-out, with a red tongue glued onto it and a light green face layered on top.  Add a couple googly eyes and you're good to glue ;)

S is for Snake

V is for Vegetables

V page is complete!
Hopefully when the books are complete I'll be able to post an entire blog entry dedicated to the project and show all the fun pages!
Kylie's, Landon's and Lillie's alphabet books, and the sheet with each letter we use for a guide!

As promised, Landon's word of the day:  DADDY!  Yes, this kid says it when he's about to get in trouble for something, when he wants out of his seat in the car, and just any time he may possibly want something.  Lol, can you tell who his favorite is? But that's okay, I love the bond between Rick and both Lillie and Landon!  I think that's pretty much what I'd like to say I'm thankful for today, among other things but just sitting and thinking about it reminds me of how blessed we are to have the family that we do.  

I hope everyone had a phenomenal Wednesday and you all made it over the hump today!  Have a great evening everyone and THANKS AGAIN FOR READING!

<3 Timmie

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