Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Introduction....and then some ;)

  Okay...um, where to start?

Well, in an attempt to shine the spotlight on the happiest moments of our daily life, to document all the funny things our children say, and post pictures of projects (successful or not, even if they're not finished) and our day to day adventures, I'm starting this blog. I really try to be appreciative of the little things, after all those are what makes life worth living but to also remember not to take those things for granted. So each day I plan on featuring a Lillie quote of the day and/or a Landon word of the day, as well as whatever I feel is an entertaining and sharable story from that day.

I'm a stay at home mother of two phenomenal little munchkins.  A little lady who just turned 5 last month and a little guy who will be 2 in about two and a half weeks. I have an amazing husband who jokes with me about how astonishing my start to finish ration is when it comes to how many projects and crafting ideas I begin and how many I actually get around to finishing.  He's very supportive of all my attempts and is just as excited as I am when they are complete. Plus when it comes to those things (i.e. making my own laundry detergent) that get finished, sometimes he'll request I make more or do them again and that's when I know I've astounded him with all my superb abilities. ;) And I know he loves me for all this modesty as well.  Four days a week I also nanny a little girl who is 3 months older than Landon and the differences between the children are evident, interesting, and nevertheless amusing!  

Today, I'm thankful for my memory and camera's....random pairing I know but I'm so glad to have camera's so accessible so when it comes to adorable little moments like this:
I can adore his beautiful little chubby cheeks smashed into the cushions, remember there's a reason our house stays clean for all of 5 minutes, and admire his ability to sleep in a recliner, on top of nine foam puzzle pieces and manage not to fall off or have one stuck to his face when he wakes up.  As far as the memory thing is concerned, things like Lillie telling me one day this summer "Mom, I decided what I want to do when I grow up....I want to wrestle alligators!!!  But, only on Wednesdays and Thursdays." not only cracks me up but are those things you never want to forget and will probably make great blackmail for her teenage years. ;)

I'm also training to run a half marathon, which is November 3rd.  Along with physical fitness I'm making a conscious effort to avoid eating so many processed foods, (thanks to the documentary Food, Inc. I'm more aware of what I'm putting in my body as well as what the kids are eating) so that's been a wonderful adventure as well.  After running competitively in events through elementary, middle and high school, I hadn't run since fall of 2005, which was my senior year.  When my husband left for BCT in the Army in February of this year it became evident that I needed something to take my mind off things, to boost my spirits, and have time to myself. I've become more passionate about the sport in my adult years after running a 7k, 5k, and 10k this past spring.  I took the summer off from races while we were figuring out if Rick would be discharged due to injuries attained during training or not so now I have been able to get back into it this month.  I ran Saturday in the Step Out: to end Diabetes 10k and felt great!  My time was 55:28 for the 6.2 miles and I was definitely motivated by a man who ran the 10k as well who went completely blind from Diabetes and ran with a leash around his wrist connecting him to his daughter in front of him.  I feel grateful to have these opportunities and look forward to all the events in the future!

In conclusion, I hope everyone enjoyed this and will be looking forward to any and all suggestions and comments!  Thanks guys for reading :D

<3  Timmie 

If you would like to tighten, tone and firm your body in 45 minutes, please check out my website at: getslimwithTimmieHansen.myitworks.com or send me a message there!  We also help fade stretch marks.

 Thank you! 

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