Saturday, November 24, 2012


Honestly, I've never really been the biggest fan of em, but have gotten really good at it in my adult life. I'm pretty selective when it comes to what I'll eat the next day, some things are definitely out of the question. But others, such as my husbands corned beef and hash, end up better the next day. The left over corned beef from the other night and split pea soup I made from scratch will be tonight's soup and sandwich dinner. From the store, I picked up some sub buns, Swiss cheese, an onion to saute, and thousand island dressing since that seems to be something some people put on their Reuben sandwiches. I'll toast the buns in the over on broil, slice the beef and place it on the bread, saute the onion and after all of it is piled on the bun, I'll slide some Swiss right on and melt it by putting the sandwiches back in the oven for a minute or two. I will do a salad with lettuce and dark, leafy greens, tomatoes, carrots, and cucs as well. Then maybe slice an apple since our family is trying to increase the fruits and veggies in our diets. I never make a separate meal for Lillie and Landon just because I think it is important for them to be exposed to different foods, to help them be more adaptive and accepting of various things in life and I definitely do not want them having the expectation when we go somewhere else or are visiting friends. Plus, most of the things they are slightly hesitant of eating at first, end up being some of their favorites. Anyway, I'm pretty excited for the last meal of today and trust that if anything hilarious is said or something obscure happens I'll be posting about it tomorrow.

Thanks for reading,
<3 Timmie

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 Thank you!

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